Sunday, October 5, 2008

Tutu Pictures

I am going to take some pictures of my friend Jenny's little girls soon and Jenny suggested that we do tutu pictures. I was so excited that I couldn't wait! We put Amesley in her tutu today and took her to the park. I am in love with some of these pictures!

I couldn't decide on this one if I liked color or bw better...but it is my favorite from the day!

I had a hard time choosing on this one too--I am giving you both to look at!

I love this two favorite people!

Keep checking back and there should be more tutu pictures soon!


Amy said...

I like the tutu pictures in color since the tutu is such a pretty pink. I love the one with Amesley and her daddy. I love the baseball and ballet theme.

the_Tmac said...

soooo cute! i love all these! my fave is amesley walking away into the trees and also with her daddy. you are getting mad skills for sure.

the_Tmac said...

oh yeah and i agree with amy, the colors are better than B&W on this. the last one is also cool with just the tutu in color.

Anonymous said...

You may have already seen it, but if not, next time you're in my office I will have to show my picture with Anna and her Tutu last Halloween. Almost identical to the picture of Amesley and Stephen.

Kendall Kellam said...

Erin I love the pictures. You are doing great with your photography..but then you have a perfect little model! NANNY